We encourage anyone who objects to the planning and building of TESCO TOWERS to do the following
Copy the text below, then Click the email highlighted in red which will open up an email to the planning department, paste the text into the email personalise the words, make any additions, changes etc. ensure you fill in your details, press send. Ask all your house hold to do the same.
We have provided a list of objections. Please choose the ones you most agree with. Please can you reword them as much as possible and email them to planning.applications@harrow.gov.uk. Please do not use ALL of the objections.
Please include you name, address and planning reference. The deadline for submitting objections is 29/04/24. Thank you
Your Name <>
Your Address<>
Ref: Planning Application PL/0693/24
I would like to object on the following
- The provision of 32% (note 35% is on habitable rooms, NOT number of units) affordable housing falls short the 40% units target required by London Borough of Harrow.
- Only 21 of the homes are 3 bedrooms. Harrow needs family homes and has enough 1 and 2 bedroom homes in the Opportunity Area. The average household in Harrow has 4+ residents.
- 51 (10%) homes will be Shared Ownership. Shared Ownership is not genuinely affordable.
- The size, height and scale of the development is overbearing. The cluster of 10 tower blocks in close proximity is an overdevelopment of the site. It is out of character with the surrounding suburban area, the vast majority of which are two-storey houses and some low-rise flats.
- The design of the development is out of keeping with the character of the surrounding area.
- Overlooking and loss of privacy for neighbours on Hindes, High Mead, Hamilton and Station Road. This includes two primary schools, so also presents safeguarding concerns.
- The height, scale and overbearing nature of the proposal could lead to loss of sunlight and overshadowing for the neighbouring homes on Hindes, High Mead, Hamilton and Station Road.
- Construction is predicted to take 5 years. During that time, the neighbouring residential area will be subjected to noise, vibration and increased air pollution caused from construction site.
- Loss of some existing car parking space that is currently provided by Tesco. This has been a community asset which has helped to sustain surrounding smaller businesses as well as allowing customers to cut down the number of car journeys required for shopping.
- The proposed development will be accessed by residents via High Mead leading to increased traffic on High Mead due the 149 new residents’ cars, refuse collection, deliveries and passenger (residents) collection and drop off. Currently, only residents of High Mead have access.
- Station Road is already congested, and the increased round the clock traffic will only make congestion worse.
- The development would adversely affect the safety of road users due to greater number of pedestrians and cars. There is currently too much traffic as it is on Hindes Road, especially during rush hour and times when school children are dropped off and picked up along this road. The road system within the local area; is such that traffic has to flow through Hindes road into Harrow view and up to the roundabout; there are no other exits onto Greenhill way.
- Concerns over highway safety because of the increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic at a major junction between Station Road and Hindes Road where primary school children will cross Station Road to attend St Jerome school.
- The applicant proposes delivery of stock by 44 tonne, 16.5 m Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) will via the current Hindes Road entrance, but there is currently not enough room to allow by 44 tonne HGVs to turn into the site either from Station Road or from Hindes Road. This could pose a hazard to motorists and pedestrians.
- The development will cause congestion and parking issues in the surrounding controlled parking zones, as some residents will seek to own cars without having allocated car parking space in the development. The site is not that well connected and many existing residents in the area own cars. Access to neighbouring boroughs is difficult by public transport.
- The applicant has proposed a new Tesco store, which will be accessed via an escalator near a busy junction. This makes the new store inaccessible to those with mobility issues and unsafe for customers.
- The cumulative adverse impact on local public amenities including schools, medical facilities, water, drainage and leisure facilities which are already at capacity, especially given the recent erection of several tall buildings in this area.
- Station Road is in an Air Quality Management Area, the increased traffic due to change of use of the site from commercial to residential use is bound to make the air quality worse. This is especially worrying is there are vulnerable elderly people and schoolchildren in the vicinity.
- During the pre-application stage, the applicant claims to have carried out extensive public consultations with nearby residents who will be affected by this development and its ongoing construction. This provided very limited information to selected groups of residents immediately adjacent to the Tesco site. The polling of opinions has also been very selective, often with leading questionnaires designed to elicit a favourable response, or opinions on details such as quality of materials or colours rather than on substantive matters. The applicant did not consult effectively about the height, scale or massing of the proposal. The few online webinars have mainly constituted lengthy presentations with very short time for questions, which generally received evasive responses from individuals who appeared to have very limited actual knowledge of the area.
- Drawings of the Development are misleading. There isn’t a single drawing/illustration/model, which shows the impact and scale of all 10 buildings from ground level.
- The applicant has also ignored a previous petition signed by over 2400 residents who objected to this development.
- Only immediate neighbours have received letters of notification of application submission. A development of that scale will affect most of Harrow and Wealdstone.
- The applicant previously had planning permission (Planning Ref: P/0832/11) for 14 affordable flats and extension of the existing store. Why did the applicant let this lapse?
- The proposal is for a residential-led development rather than a Retail led development as stipulated in the Harrow and Wealdstone Area Action Plan
- The Proposal includes 890 cycle parking spaces. This is excessive and not required.
[Email address]